Drugs commonly used to spike drinks
The drugs used in drink spiking are often referred to as “date rape drugs”, although they are not always used for sexual assault. They may come in powder, tablet or liquid form, and do not always have an unusual taste or smell.
Some examples of drugs used include: GHB, Ketamine and Rohypnol (rarely used now since the addition of blue dye).
GHB (gammahydroxybutrate): LIQUID ECSTASY, GEEBS, GBL, GBH, 4-BD, 1 : Salty-tasting clear fluid or white powder that acts as a muscle relaxant and causes short-term amnesia when taken with alcohol. It produces a feeling of euphoria, reduce inhibitions and drowsiness. The effects start after about 10 minutes to an hour and can last for up to seven hours or so. Because GHB can really knock you out, it has been linked to drug assisted sexual assaults.
KETAMINE : VITAMIN K, SUPER K, SPECIAL K, K, GREEN, DONKEY DUST : A white powder that is mostly used on animals. It can cause a catatonic state and short-term amnesia. The effects do not last long, but until they wear off, ketamine can cause a loss of feeling in the body and paralysis of the muscles. It can also lead to experiencing a distortion of reality/ hallucinating. The after-effects may be felt for some hours afterwards.