Teacher Workbook for England and Wales
This easy to use workbook of lesson plans, PowerPoints, worksheets and games, provides engaging activities for 11 to 18 year-olds

Teacher workbook for Scotland
This easy to use workbook of lesson plans, PowerPoints, worksheets and games, provides engaging activities for 11 to 18 year-olds

6 Model Lesson Plans for Alcohol
Four lessons to be delivered at age 12-14 (Year 8 or 9 / S1 or S2)
with two top up lessons at age 13-15 (Year 9 or 10 / S3 or S4)

Alcohol and You leaflet
This guide gives you tips on how to stay safe and drink responsibly if you choose to drink, plus advice on what to do and where to go for help and support if things go wrong.

Assessing Knowledge - chapter
This session of icebreaker and baseline activities is important to help you assess the knowledge, experience and behaviour of your class when you introduce alcohol as a topic. A model PowerPoint lesson and guidance is included at the start of this chapter.

Assessing Knowledge - teacher notes
Teacher notes for all activities in the Assessing Knowledge chapter of the teacher workbook

Units and guidelines - chapter
From the teacher workbook

Units and guidelines - teacher notes
Teacher notes for all activities in the Units and guidelines chapter of the teacher workbook

How well do you know you age group? - answers (Eng & Wales)
Do you know how many young people drink regularly in the UK and around the world?

How well do you know you age group? - questions (Eng & Wales)
Do you know how many young people drink regularly in the UK and around the world?

How well do you know you age group? – answers (Scotland)
In Scotland, what percentage of 13 year-olds have tried alcohol?
In Scotland, how many 15 year-olds will have consumed alcohol in the past Are young people in Scotland drinking more or less than 10 years ago?

How well do you know you age group? – questions (Scotland)

Fact or Fiction - talkaboutalcohol.com
Talk about alcohol – fact or fiction activity

How Much Do You Know? Scotland
Test your knowledge of alcohol with this quiz

Emoji true or false - questions
Emoji true or false quiz – 10 questions on Alcohol

Emoji true or false - answers
Emoji true or false quiz – Answer sheet for the 10 questions on Alcohol

How many units? blank
What is a unit and how much is too much?

How many units? simple
What is a unit and how much is too much?

How many units? - full
What is a unit and how much is too much?

How much alcohol is in a drink?

Responsible drinking

Why are young people advised not to drink?

What is BAC?

Alcohol Clock game

Spiking fact sheet
What is Spiking? How to prevent it and what to do if your drink is spiked

Alcohol and its Effects (physical and social) - chapter
Considering the short and long term effects of alcohol on the body and the effects of alcohol misuse on and individuals, their friends and family and the wider community

Alcohol and its effects (physical and social) - teacher notes
Teacher notes for activities included in the Alcohol and its effects (physical and social) chapter of the Teacher workbook

Alcohol and the law activity - talkaboutalcohol.com

How much is too much? Getting the balance right - full
How the amount of alcohol consumed can result in different outcomes

How much is too much? Getting the balance right - simple
How the amount of alcohol consumed can result in different outcomes

How too much alcohol effects the body blank
Blank worksheet

How too much alcohol affects to body - simple
How alcohol effects different parts and functions of the body – simple version

How too much alcohol affects the body - full
Discover how alcohol affects different parts and functions of the body

Consequences grid
Some of the potential consequences of alcohol consumption, plus times when alcohol should be avoided.

0 2 4 6+ Number of drinks sheet
Number of drinks sheet to be used with the consequences grid

Short-term effects of alcohol on the body
When alcohol is swallowed, how does it affect the body in the short term?

What happens to alcohol in the body
When someone swallows alcohol, it travels to the stomach and small intestine.

Long term effects of alcohol on the body

Alcohol and the community
In this activity, you will be looking at the impact of alcohol in the community and on individuals, and then holding a debate on the subject in class.

Alcohol and the Law - Chapter
As pupils get older, it is important that they understand the possible long term consequences of breaking the law.

Alcohol and the Law - teacher notes
Teacher notes for all activities in the Alcohol and the Law chapter of the teacher workbook

Drink and driving don't mix
There are strict legal limits for the maximum amount of alcohol that can be in a person’s blood when they drive

Drinking and driving

You and the Law worksheet
1. Why might a parent allow their child to taste some alcohol even if they aren’t allowed to buy it themselves until they’re 18?
2. Why do you think the law says that people under 18 can’t buy alcohol from shops, off-licences and supermarkets?

Alcohol and the Law - simple
Laws relating to the sale of and consumption of alcohol for those under 18

Alcohol and the Law - full
Laws relating to the purchase and consumption of alcohol for those under 18.

Staying safe chapter
From the teacher workbook

Staying safe - teacher notes
Teacher notes for all activities in the Staying safe chapter of the teacher workbook

How much is too much ? Getting the balance right - teacher notes

Just a few drinks - lesson plan
‘Just a few drinks’ four short films on the physical, social and medical effects of too much alcohol on the immature body.

What would you say?

Just a few drinks – Jordan’s story
18 year old Jordan drank over half a bottle of neat brandy when he was 16 and it nearly killed him. At the time, he set out just wanting to enjoy himself, but after his experience with alcohol, his attitude to drinking has changed significantly.

Just a few drinks - Alan's story
Alan tells how an evening of drinking alcohol led to a sequence of events that changed his life. At the time, he set out just wanting to have a good time, but after his experience with alcohol, his attitude to drinking has changed significantly.

Diamond nine sheet - blank

Diamond nine - complete

Recap and Reflect chapter
These resources and methods can be used at any point – to start a session, to assess how much students have learnt or as a special project such as designing a campaign.

Recap and reflect teacher notes
Teacher notes for all activities in the Recap and Reflect chapter of the teacher workbook

The effects of drinking too much – model lesson 5

High risk / Low-risk cards
Used in the Recap and reflect lesson plan

How much do you know? England and Wales
Test your knowledge of alcohol with this quiz

Alcohol emoji quiz questions and answers - powerpoint

What do you want?
Everyone needs to know the facts about alcohol, so they can make sensible decisions for themselves now and in the future. But what is the best way to communicate those facts?
Pupil feedback questionnaires

The teenage brain

Nuggets - addicition and how it impacts lives
“Nuggets” captures the ebb and flow of addiction. It’s shows how addiction impacts lives.

If it all goes wrong
Advice on what do do is someone is ill from drinking or in a medical emergency

Top tips
We’ve put together some tips to help older teenagers and young adults stay safer and in control if they choose to drink alcohol.

Interactive alcohol quiz
Answer ‘True’ or ‘False’ to the following questions

Test your knowledge - talkaboutalcohol.com
There are 13 multiple choice questions coming.
See how much you REALLY know about alcohol!

Personality Quiz - talkaboutalcohol.com
When it comes to knowing ourselves, we all reckon we know who we are. But do we?

What is a unit and how much is too much - talkaboutalcohol.com

Alcohol Clock game – talkaboutalcohol.com
It’s 6pm. The 18th birthday party is just starting. Go to the bar, have a drink, but remember to pace yourself with other activities and food.

Want to learn more ? Body zone talkaboutalcohol.com

Interactive body - talkaboutalcohol.com
What happens when someone has a drink?

Just a Few Drinks activity - talkaboutalcohol.com

Match numbers - talkaboutalcohol.com
Explore whether the likelihood of certain outcomes increases or decreases with the level of drinking/ intoxication and how this might be different for different individuals.

Brave the Rave - talkaboutalcohol.com

Switchin Kitchen - talkaboutalcohol.com

Chimp shop game - talkaboutalcohol.com
The chimps are revolting and running amok. You have been sent to save the world.

What is a unit of alcohol

Drink spiking - the facts
Drink Spiking – How to prevent it, what are the symptoms? and what to do if your drink is spiked

Drink spiking - in the UK
Facts about drink spiking, with details from AET 2021 survey and TAB survey 2021 on who has experienced it and where.

Holiday drink spiking - short film clip
Rhiannon describes how her drink was spiked while on holiday with her family in Portugal

Unit calculator - Alcohol Change UK
Unit calculator - Drinkaware

Want to learn more? fact zone talkaboutalcohol.com

Reflect and recap – model lesson 6
This selection of activities is important to help students to recap and reflect on what has been learnt in previous lessons.

Cannabis – Model lesson plan
This selection of activities explores cannabis, the different types of cannabis, the potential effects on health and the law relating to cannabis in the UK.

Cannabis and the law

Making choices sheet- full
Used in the Model lesson plan on cannabis

DANE model lesson 1 – Influences and choices
This selection of activities introduces different types of drugs and explores the risk to teenagers, what influences a young person’s decisions and reasons for avoiding drugs.

Making choices sheet - blank
Used in the Model lesson plan on cannabis

Cannabis emoji quiz questions and answers

DANE Model lesson 2 - Alcohol
This selection of activities explores alcohol, social norms and laws relating to alcohol consumption and the potential effect of consumption on health.

True or false ? Cannabis emoji quiz cards
These cards to explore truths and myths
around cannabis and assess the knowledge
levels of the participants

DANE model lesson 3 - cannabis
This selection of activities explores cannabis, the different types of cannabis, the potential effects on health and the law relating to cannabis in the UK.

Resources on cannabis - talkaboutalcohol.com

DANE model lesson 4 – vaping
This selection of activities explores vaping, social norms and laws relating to vape products and the potential effect of vaping on health.

DANE model lesson 5 – where's the harm
This selection of activities explores the harms associated with substance use.

Cannabis - Model lesson
This selection of activities explores cannabis, the different types of cannabis, the potential effects on health and the law relating to cannabis in the UK.