Alcohol myth buster, True/ False Quiz Instructions
10 questions on alcohol – quiz
Cannabis emoji quiz cards
Overall aim: to explore truths and myths around cannabis and assess the knowledge levels of the participants.
County Lines – Useful websites and resources for practitioners
Supporting young people to give up Vaping or nicotine products
The negative effects of vaping on the body (full)
Games and activities box
This resource of games and activities using pictures and stories, emojis and colours is suitable for young people in class or informal settings, as well as for one to one discussions and for a range of abilities and needs. Age guide: 11 – 18.
Games and activities pack- introduction and instructions for educators
This includes the introduction to the Games and Activities pack and some of the instructions for the activities. Please note on some of the cards based activities, there are further instructions on the cards themselves.
How many units in a drink?
Fact sheet on how many alcohol units are in different drinks and the Chief Medical Officers’ guidance on low risk drinking
Character pictures
For use in the Alcohol and cannabis pack, and also in the Games and activities pack (‘Distancing techniques’ and ’emoji equation’ activities)
Drinks and units sheet
How many units are in a drink and MSASQ screening questions
To be used in conjunction with higher harms cards
Consent definitions
How too much alcohol affects the body – full
How alcohol can affect different parts and functions of the body
0 2 4 6+ Number of drinks sheet
Number of drinks sheet to be used with the consequences cards
Risk sentences
Tips for safer night out sheet
What to do (and what to avoid) to stay safe on a night out
Alcohol and the Law
Laws relating to the sale of and consumption of alcohol for those under 18
Cannabis and the Law
Laws relating to Cannabis in the UK
Alcohol traffic light cards and instructions
The scenarios on these traffic light cards are designed to enable discussion and for young people to articulate what they think is happening.
Consequences cards
Some of the potential consequences of alcohol consumption, plus times when alcohol should be avoided.
Emoji cards
Providing a way of expressing feelings thinking about different scenarios relating to alcohol and other substances
Consent scenarios
Equation cards
For use in the emoji equations activity
Higher harms cards
These Higher Harm Discussion cards are designed for use with young people who you suspect/ know are drinking or are at risk of drinking at hazardous levels.
Hobbies card
Used in in the games and activities pack for creating characters