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Mapped to RSHE and statutory guidance explore teacher guidance, lessons plans, films, worksheets and activities on alcohol, cannabis and vaping

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AET Resources for use in schools

Our educational materials and lesson plans are listed by subject to make lesson planning simple and are mapped to DfE and RSHE statutory guidance. There are different levels of resources for different age groups and abilities, together with short film clips and hand out sheets.

Under the Resources sub-menu, you will find all you need to know to teach about alcohol, cannabis and vaping and nicotine products effectively: We have also structured our resources by age group.

All resources are linked to our website for young people. We highly recommend that you book a training or cpd workshop for your school from one of our regionally based specialist staff via in most cases this is funded thanks to local commissioning or grants.

Please do sign up for our newsletter and updated resource here:


Our top picks to help you in class


Teacher Workbook for England and Wales

This easy to use workbook of lesson plans, PowerPoints, worksheets and games, provides engaging activities for 11 to 18 year-olds

Recap and reflect
Alcohol and its effects
Alcohol and the law
Assessing Knowledge
Staying safe
Units and guidelines
Year group
Year 7 / S1
Year 8 / S2
Year 9 / S3
Year 10 / S4
Year 11 / S5
Year 12+ / S6

Lesson plan

6 Model Lesson Plans for Alcohol

Four lessons to be delivered at age 12-14  (Year 8 or 9 / S1 or S2)
with two top up lessons at age 13-15  (Year 9 or 10 / S3 or S4)

Recap and reflect
Alcohol and its effects
Alcohol and the law
Assessing Knowledge
Staying safe
Units and guidelines
Year group
Year 8 / S2
Year 9 / S3
Year 10 / S4


Alcohol and You leaflet

This guide gives you tips on how to stay safe and drink responsibly if you choose to drink, plus advice on what to do and where to go for help and support if things go wrong.

Alcohol and its effects
Alcohol and the law
Staying safe
Units and guidelines
Year group
Year 10 / S4
Year 11 / S5
Year 12+ / S6


Staying safe chapter

From the teacher workbook

Staying safe
Year group
Year 7 / S1
Year 8 / S2
Year 9 / S3
Year 10 / S4
Year 11 / S5

Lesson plan

Cannabis – Model lesson plan

This selection of activities explores cannabis, the different types of cannabis, the potential effects on health and the law relating to cannabis in the UK.

Year group
Year 9 / S3
Year 10 / S4

Lesson plan

Vaping - Model lesson plan

This selection of activities explores vaping, social norms and laws relating to vape products and the potential effect of vaping on health.

Year group
Year 9 / S3
Year 10 / S4

“I just wanted to say how grateful I am for the resources you have sent us. I appreciate that these resources are available digitally from your website…but as I am sure you know PD/PSHE is a second subject to most who deliver it and having those packs makes a real difference to me as a teacher and are really appreciated.

I work in alternative provision, and we are just one of several connected centres across West Sussex and I think our other centres could benefit from your expertise and resources”.

Resource packs for teachers

Your online resources are exactly what we use to support schools as part of their whole-school approach to preventing, reducing and delaying substance use.

School resources
Bristol Healthy Schools

All of it, great resources, easy to follow training.

Easy to follow resources
GHLL Flexible Learning Team

“I have recently received your information regarding alcohol education and was really impressed with the sensitive and ‘age appropriate’ way they have been written.”


KS4 Learning Mentor. I/c PSHE & Citizenship
Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School, Lichfield Road, Sutton Coldfield

“I would be very interested in the booklets for students and also the DVD.  We already use your online resources which we find very useful.”


PSHE Co-ordinator
Ribston Hall High School Gloucester

“I got your details on www.drinkaware website. I am working with young people in the hairdressing industry and through our safeguarding procedure need to help teenager be aware of the dangers in drink. Have you any leaflets you could let me have for them to take away in a mini workshop i am planning. I thank you in anticipation.”

Central Region Training Coordinator

“As KS3 PSHE co-ordinator, I’m currently writing schemes of work around Legal and Illegal Drugs for Year 8. At least 2 of our lessons will be on alcohol, so I’d appreciate the chance to use the resources and short film on AIM’s DVD if you still have copies.”

The Corsham School
Corsham, Wiltshire

“I am a Parent Support Adviser in the Falmouth district. Would it be possible for you to send me some resources on alcohol and the effects and damage it can do to your body. I would be grateful too if you could send me some information to give to parents of teenagers which I am currently working with, this hopefully supporting the children to make positive choices during their teenage years. If you have a DVD/CD of resources this would be very useful  as I could lend it out to parents who have difficulty in reading.”

Parent Support Adviser
Falmouth School, Falmouth, Cornwall

“I would be very interested in being signed up for your email list. I will be researching the site with great interest – it could save me a lot of time trawling elsewhere!”

ALEC Educator
Inverurie Academy, Inverurie

“I have just had a look at your booklet: Alcohol and You. Facts about alcohol, staying safe and what to do if things go wrong. I am very impressed with the booklet and we would like to use it at our school as part of our PSHE lessons.”

PSHE Coordinator
Penair School, Truro

“I am a PSHE lead in a secondary school. I have looked at the website and teacher resources and it looks great and is definitely something I will be incorporating into my PSHE programme.”

Westlands School, Torquay

“I have read both of your leaflets ‘Alcohol and you’ and ‘Talking to kids about Alcohol’ and I feel it is exactly the kind of information the students I teach need to hear.”

PSHE Teacher
Chelmsford County High School for Girls

“Yes these were brilliant. We used the website and booklets in conjunction with Solomon Theatre performance and workshop and the kids loved it as well as learning!”

Head of PSHE
Hounsdown School, Hampshire

“I have just received a copy of the AET teacher workbook and resources!  Thank you so much, the standard of the resources in the Teacher workbook is excellent.  The student guide and parent guide  are informative and age appropriate.

Having previously purchased expensive alcohol educational resources from various companies I have found most to be lacking in detail and not age appropriate. I am planning to use your resources this term with year 9 and will feed back to you when the unit is completed. Once again, thank you and keep up the good work.”


PSHE Coordinator
Halewood Academy

“Many thanks for sending the booklet – it is really impressive and has lots of information in it.Your website is really useful and seems really young people friendly, I have attached it to the relevant pages on our website.”


Just Ask Nottingham

“I have received your letter and leaflets-which look fantastic. I would like to order some of these- I have also had a look at the website and will definitely use and recommend it to others.”


Head of PSHE

“We gave your leaflets to all our year 9 and 10 parents who attended our ‘Meet the Tutor ‘evenings. We also had them available for parents on our Year 11 Parents Evening. I also gave a copy of the student leaflet to every girl in Years 9, 10 and 11.We put a copy of the DVD and the leaflets on our VLE , which can be accessed by all our parents, and we sent out a letter to parents of our year 9-11 students to make them aware that this was available.I am really grateful for your support and we may be able to make further use of your help in the future.”


Head of PSHE
Chelmsford County High School for Girls

“A fantastic website and set of resources.”

Head of CPSE
The Chantry School, Martley, Worcester.

“Re workbook and DVD and booklets – All received and looking really useful – in fact I’ve just changed my plans for year 11 next lesson after looking at the teacher book 🙂.”


Head of Personal, Social, Health and Religious Education
Chew Valley School

“Thank you so much Jane for the resources. The section on units will be a great help for my students. In fact the whole book is fantastic.”

Head of PSHCE
The Wye Valley School.

“Helena, Thank you for taking the time to visit us. We all gained a great deal of very valuable knowledge from your session. I hope you have a relaxing weekend. It’s very well deserved 🙂.”

Gateshead Teacher Training Twilight Session

“The Alcohol Education trust have delivered training in school both to our staff and to our parents and we have used their educational materials within our PSHE lessons.We have found the student materials to be entirely suitable, well thought out and accessible, giving opportunities for discussion and reflection. The parent session was delivered at a Pastoral Evening and was very well received by parents who were both challenged in their assumptions and behaviours but equally supported in their situation of dealing with teenage behaviours. The staff training was both interesting and thought provoking as well, delivered on a TD Day. I also find access to the newsletters to be very valuable and a link to them is about to go live on a new pastoral support section of the school website for access by staff and students.I am sure that any grant that you were able to give would be used wisely to the benefit of young people in this, most important aspect of their lives.”

Senior Deputy Headteacher
South Wilts Grammar School for Girls

“You covered everything I can think of! I’m further informed about alcohol and the law and about activities that allow alcohol awareness learning to be fun’. ‘Very informative The information pack and interaction (using games) made it easier to follow and understand. Very good course”

“I think everything was covered – very informative. Interactive, informative, lots of good resources to take back, variety of materials. Catered for SEN pupils as well, fun activities for the kids. I think everything was perfect. Very happy I was able to come.”


CPD Training Session for Schools in Waltham Forest in 10/2017

“Thank you so much for the training you carried out last week, it was extremely informative and many staff have fed back that they now feel much better prepared for delivering SMSC around the topic of alcohol and its misuse. Despite it being a twilight session after a hard day’s work, your interactive style and delivery certainly engaged staff, which really was much appreciated. It was especially useful the way you took us through the exceptional resources, which really has equipped us for future delivery of the topic ourselves. I also commend you and your colleagues for the intention of upgrading resources as necessary, instead of witnessing the birth of yet another dodo!”

Deputy Headteacher
Greenwood School, Southampton

“Leweston School have been using AET resources in our PSHE lessons for a number of years. They are extremely accessible; very little preparation is needed in advance of a lesson.  There are numerous age appropriate activities with clear progression.  Students enjoy the various activities and tasks. The supplementary short video clips add more interest, and reinforce the message of the lesson. I would highly recommend AET to all schools.”

“AET provide invaluable INSET and informative presentations for parents struggling to find strategies to cope with their teenage children experimenting with alcohol.”

Leweston School


York Virtual School

“My confidence in discussing alcohol has increased- I’m more aware of the importance of initiating conversation.”

South Devon College

“Finding out about units of alcohol and putting them into a real context was very useful. A clear and well-presented session.”

Penrice Academy

“Helena gave a presentation on Talk about Alcohol to the UCL postgraduate students undertaking Health and Wellbeing Behaviour Change.  The students enjoyed learning about the evidence-based intervention and her presentation was dynamic and engaging.  Helena is an inspiring person who makes a positive impact both personally and professionally.”

Leslie M Gutman, PhD
UCL Centre for Behaviour Change

“Thanks for all your and Helena’s organising. It was a very successful evening – we had 45 in the audience and they were highly complimentary.”

PSHE Coordinator
Sutton Grammar School

“Helena, Thank-you so much for last night…. Parents were very appreciative and I think we can build on this for the future…. Once again many thanks for an informative and useful talk.”

PSHE Coordinator
Sir Thomas Rich’s School, Gloucester

“I was delighted with your presentation this evening, you made a very good impression on all the parents I spoke to. Furthermore, both Jo and I thought you had been of great service to the school, and we all learnt something new. Even though we are the ‘experts’, that could be applied to us too, thank you.”

PSHE and Citizenship Coordinator
Alcester Grammar School, Warcs

Helena Conibear has spoken to staff and parents about alcohol on three separate occasions in the past two academic years. We, and parents, have been so impressed with the quality of the information, advice and resources provided by the AET that we have already booked them in for the coming academic year.The talks are always well received as Helena has both a very relaxed yet confident presentation style and quite obviously knows the information and latest facts. This is especially clear in the question and answer part of her sessions where I have only seen calm and informed answers to whatever is thrown at her! Exceptionally helpfully for us, she is also very flexible and will adapt her presentations to suit our needs and requirements. I have also used many of the AET resources when planning the alcohol education module of our PSHE course as the AET’s vision for young people to enter adulthood having a healthy relationship with alcohol ensures that its resources engages pupils allowing them to build the necessary resilience from a position of informed choice

Head of PSHE
Sherborne School

“Thank you for an informative evening with useful facts and tips.”

Redmaids High School

“A brilliant video. Thank you for sharing. So enlightening and very well presented very factual, unemotional and non-ideological, and lots of good content. Very impressed with it.”

Millfield School

“Thank you once again for your superb presentation. I have received nothing but great feedback from parents.”

Sherborne Girls School

“A fabulous resource, well put together and useable.”


Wennington Hall School

“AET provide excellent resources that are well thought out and designed so that they are accessible to all students of varying abilities and backgrounds. The pack is comprehensive and easy to understand which enables a quick and smooth implementation into any alcohol awareness scheme of work.”


The Thomas Hardye School
Dorchester, Dorset

“A comprehensive and progressive resource.”

White Spire School

“The resources from AET have been hugely appreciated, they have enabled our pupils to review their thoughts and misconceptions around alcohol in an interactive and engaging way that has fuelled positive and reflective discussions.  Pupils have been able to access the resources independently to support them come to their own answers on how they could better lead healthier lifestyles and make more informed choices around the use of alcohol.”

Assistant Head Teacher
The Compass School (Alternative Learning Provision)

“As PSHE coordinator, I have been aware of the ‘Talk About Alcohol’ site and the excellent range of teacher resources available from your organisation. I use these in my lessons at year 7, 9 and 10. I discovered the ‘Talk About Alcohol’ site over a year ago, and have since recommended it to other PSHE leads in surrounding schools. I found that your resources are so well thought through, and excellent for engaging students in the topic of Alcohol Education.”


Glenthorne High School
PSHE Coordinator
Sutton Common, Road Sutton

“The talkaboutalcohol website was very good too and easy to navigate – it had lots of additional items and activities and my students particularly like the real life stories of young people who had been affected by alcohol. Myself and students really enjoyed playing the 24 hour alcohol clock game that showed how long it takes to get one unit of alcohol out of your system and it certainly has had an impact on me as I now will not drive the day after having a ‘big night out’ as I know that I will still be over the limit. The resources have had a big impact on my students too and they are respectful and have learnt a lot about the power and dangers of alcohol. A lot of them have shared what they’ve learnt with parents/carers too.”

Jarrow School, Tyne and Wear

“A particular AET resource that I have used regularly with young people in the class is the Every part of this resource has been carefully considered and planned to ensure an engaging, informative, easy to use website has been created that student enjoy using. The use of quizzes and games really enhances this innovative website and the experiential qualities of allowing students to make choices and be actively involved in decision making for a safe night out has a more positive impact than students simply be told the risks. All students within year 9 are given access to talkaboutalcohol and are given ample time to read, play, explore and learn from it during their timetabled PSHCE sessions. Students really enjoy the time they spend on this.”

The Dorchester Thomas Hardye School

“Thank you for providing this resources, it has been a great help in the delivery of my curriculum.”

City College, Plymouth

“Thank you very much for this pack. It has made our lessons on alcohol really interesting.”

Adelaide School, Cheshire

“Fantastic resource for teenagers”

Beacon of Light School, Tyne and Wear

“Really useful resource which I will be using again and again”

Moat House School, Manchester

“I used the AET Teacher Workbook for lesson plans and materials for the LEAF Alcohol Programme last year. I used this resource with all of Year 8 over the period of four lessons and with Year 9 over two lessons.”

“I found the resource easy to use. The layout is clear and there is an option to use the worksheets as they stand or to adapt them to meet the needs of your class. The suggested activities also have scope to fit in with the needs of your class and can easily be changed as questions and issues arise. I liked the flexibility of this.”

“The resource allowed me to feel confident when delivering these lessons as it is backed up with evidence and statistics. I found my students liked having the facts. It also used language that my students understood and allowed me to feel sure that I was giving the correct information.”

“The links to the website mean that the resource is ‘live’ and can be kept current. This is essential for any PSHE resource. I would recommend this resource to other teachers.”

Christ the King College

“I used (and am continuing to use) the AET Teacher Workbook with my Year 8 SMC classes, with follow up classes when students get to Year 9. I found the resources very easy to use and like the fact that the Workbook contained useful worksheets that were easy to photocopy and distribute to students.”

Jarrow School, Tyne and Wear

“I have been using the AET resources for a number of years and am really impressed with how comprehensive and well-constructed they are.  It is a rare thing to find an organisation who really understands how to reach young people in different year groups effectively.  AETs resources are pitched brilliantly for different age groups and the activities are just the sort of active and engaging activities which make for effective PSHE.”

“My students enjoy the activities and demonstrate really good understanding of the issues at the end of their lessons.  It is really helpful in planning a curriculum for specialists and non-specialist teachers that the resources are so detailed and there is such a lot of really good, clear advice for teachers on the website and in the resource book.  I can set these lessons confident that my staff can teach informative, accurate and thoughtful lessons which encourage critical thinking and challenge stereotypes.”

“Given the lack of funding in schools it is also worth mentioning that the fact that their resources are free to use is vitally important to schools.  I can’t recommend them highly enough.”

Chew Valley School, Bristol

“We sought the advice and expertise of the AET to speak to our parent body regarding their concerns surrounding their teenagers’ approach to drinking. After an initial internet search, the AET website was both informative and innovative and we quickly made contact with the team.

The AET supplied our PSHE department with a bank of resources to complement the online treasure trove!

For schools looking for cost-effective resourcing, the AET is a wonderful hub of activity and both students and staff have benefitted enormously”.

Berkhamsted Schools Group

“The Alcohol Education Trust (AET) have been providing us with resources for some years now and they have become an invaluable part of our PSHCE curriculum due to the exceptional quality of them. We have also given out their information booklets to parents and students, both say that they are useful, informative and completed to a high standard. Teachers are confident when using the resources that they will be delivering quality, accurate lessons that promote discussion about alcohol.”

“AET’s website is an accessible source of information for teachers, parents and young people with each target group having a separate area to visit ensuring relevance and ease of use. The website is a great place to start when approaching difficult conversations about alcohol, but parents and children can each see what the other is being told which enables informed discussions to take place with an understanding of the messages that both are being given. Parents have commented on how easy to use the website is and how informative it is.”

“A particular AET resource that I have used regularly with young people in the class is the Every part of this resource has been carefully considered and planned to ensure an engaging, informative, easy to use website has been created that student enjoy using. The use of quizzes and games really enhances this innovative website and the experiential qualities of allowing students to make choices and be actively involved in decision making for a safe night out has a more positive impact than students simply be told the risks. All students within year 9 are given access to talkaboutalcohol and are given ample time to read, play, explore and learn from it during their timetabled PSHCE sessions. Students really enjoy the time they spend on this.”

“I think one of the key strengths of the AETs approach is that it is realistic and does not patronise parents or students. The information is delivered in an unbiased way, that is clear and succinct. Young people are aware of the dangers of drinking too much and so this website acknowledges that and helps them to make better decisions and not take risks. The emphasis is on keeping safe whilst drinking. As a freely available resource, it is completed to the highest standard and AET have ensured that they have worked closely with other agencies and teachers to ensure that learning takes place. As a busy teacher I appreciate having the AETs input, updates and resources to use to ensure the quality of the provision that is in place for alcohol education.”

The Dorchester Thomas Hardye School

“Leweston School have been using AET resources in our PSHE lessons for a number of years. They are extremely accessible; very little preparation is needed in advance of a lesson.  There are numerous age appropriate activities with clear progression.  Students enjoy the various activities and tasks. The supplementary short video clips add more interest, and reinforce the message of the lesson. I would highly recommend AET to all schools.”

“AET provide invaluable INSET and informative presentations for parents struggling to find strategies to cope with their teenage children experimenting with alcohol.”

Leweston School

“I really liked the format using the letters from the word ALCOHOL and the pace of the session allowed discussion and clarity. The students felt the material was appropriate and that tutors were able to support them and become involved. All of the tutors were given a copy of the ppt & video links to follow up the session.”

South Moulton School & Science College, Northampton

“Excellent course really enjoyed it and very informative…Very sensitive delivery of training material that made an impact.”

Iford Academy, Dorset

“The workshop was interactive and presented a clear pathway to present ideas on alcohol beyond ‘it is bad for you’. I will be using the resources as a way of helping students identify potential issues with the people in their spheres rather than fall into the trap of targeting alcohol warnings at them personally.”

Co-0p Academy, Stoke-on-Trent

“Well presented and informative – thank you!”

Cranbrook High, Devon

“I will make sessions more interactive with group discussion and activities. I found this training and resources really useful.”

Warrington Borough Council

Helena, Thank-you so much for last night…. Parents were very appreciative and I think we can build on this for the future…. Once again many thanks for an informative and useful talk.

Sir Thomas Rich’s School, Gloucs
PSHE Coordinator

It is a rare thing to find an organisation who really understands how to reach young people in different year groups effectively. AETs resources are pitched brilliantly for different age groups and the activities are just the sort of active and engaging activities which make for effective PSHE.

Chew Valley School, Bristol

Teachers have a range of experience and expertise and in most cases have a firm idea of what they wish to teach about alcohol and other substances. Against this background, the Talk About Trust has developed a series of resources that allows teachers to ‘pick and mix’ suitable resources by ability, knowledge, experience, time available and age group to complement the subjects they wish to cover

Helena Conibear
Talk About Trust