Going to parties
Most teenagers will want to start going to parties at friends’ houses. This guidance will help them stay safe.
- Speak to the host parents, even if you don’t know them. Tell your child you’re not prepared to let them go otherwise.
- Check an adult will be present and their policy on alcohol.
- If you can, drop your teenager off and pick them up, or share lifts with parents you trust.
- If sleeping over after a party at another friend’s house, check plans are genuine and again speak to the parents. Ask your child to ring or text you when they’re safely at their friend’s house.
- Make sure your teenager has had a good meal before they go out, such as pasta.
- Check they have a fully charged mobile that they must keep on, and that you have planned how and what time they are getting home.
- Be prepared to say no if you’re unhappy about a party or if your child doesn’t want you to speak to the host… there’ll be rows, but it’s because you care, not because you’re being a killjoy.
- Don’t feel pressured by younger teens to provide them with alcohol to take with them to parties. They may tell you everyone else’s parents do this, but that’s just not true… or threaten you that they’ll ask their mates to buy it for them instead (explain they risk their friend being fined or charged).
- If your teen breaks your agreement, such as what time to be home, then make sure you carry through your threats, such as grounding them or stopping their spending money for a month.
Holding a house party
At some stage you may feel happy to host a party at home for your teenager. Follow our advice if you want it to go well!
Think carefully before you say yes. Especially if the kids are under 16.
- Agree the list of invites with your teenager. Don’t make the party too long.
- Warn your teen about how they invite their friends – no open invitations on Facebook or chat on Instagram/whatsapp.
- Agree the house rules and put your teen in charge.
- You might have to stay out of sight for your kids street cred., but stick around.
- Provide plenty of food – not salty snacks, but carbs.
- Teenagers do sneak in alcohol in water bottles, mixed with soft drinks etc., so be prepared and work out how you’ll handle this.
- Have loads of soft drinks and iced water available.
- If anyone is sick or ill contact their parents and never leave them unattended.
- Try and avoid big sleepovers, as the kids won’t get much sleep (or you probably) and you won’t know what’s going on once you’re in bed!
- Make sure you’ve warned your neighbours and have a reasonable finish time, allowing parents to pick up and get to bed too!
- If it goes well, don’t forget to tell your teen how proud you are of them & their mates.
For advice and guidance for older teenagers signpost them to life-stuff.org or follow on Instagram and Tiktok via @Life_stuff.0rg

14-16 year olds
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