If you want to know more...

If you want to know more about alcohol issues, or are worried about your own or your child’s drinking, then there are people who can help.

The GP practice is the best place to start as doctors will have a list of local services where support can be given.  

Universities and Colleges also have welfare teams and Medical centres. Emphasise they should never worry about getting into trouble, services are confidential and supportive. You can find a list of supportive organisations below  or you can email us via info@talkabouttrust.org  

The following sites could help:

Adfam provides information and advice for families of alcohol and drug users. The website has a list of local family support services.
Tel: 0207 553 7640

Drinkline – If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s drinking, you can call this free helpline, in complete confidence. They can put you in touch with your local alcohol advice centre for help and advice.
Tel: 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am – 8pm, weekends 11am – 4pm).

The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA) provides information, advice and support for everyone affected by their parent’s drinking. nacoa.org.uk

NHS alcohol support

Talk to Frank Find details of local and national services that provide counselling and treatment in England.

We Are With You provides free, confidential support to young people and adults experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health. It manages more than 120 services in 80 locations in England and Scotland.

Other useful websites for parents

FACE (facefamilyadvice.co.uk) gives practical, accessible and affordable support to parents and professionals who support children and teenagers.

Facing issues such as ADHD, Anxiety, School Avoidance, Anger and much more, FACE gives relevant advice, up to date information and easy to apply interventions. Online talks, group sessions and CPD accredited training as well as individual support for parents.Parent page – facefamilyadvice.co.uk/supportforparents

Online workshops – facefamilyadvice.co.uk/onlineworkshops

NHS Livewell – nhs.uk/Livewell/alcohol/Pages/Alcoholhome.aspx – A website and information campaign for consumers on responsible drinking coordinated by The Department of Health and the NHS.
Drinkaware – drinkaware.co.uk/advice/underage-drinking – Advice on understanding and preventing underage drinking.

Websites for teenagers

Talk About Alcohol – An interactive advice hub for 12 – 15 year olds using games, quizzes and activities to raise knowledge, awareness and resilience around alcohol and cannabis – talkaboutalcohol.com

Life Stuff (16+) – Facts and support on all aspects of wellbeing including alcohol, cannabis, vaping, gaming, budgeting and other life stuff for young adults aged 16 – 25 – life-stuff.org

The Mix – themix.org.uk

Talk to Frank – talktofrank.com

Young Minds – youngminds.org.uk

Rise Above – riseabove.org.uk

Alateen – al-anonuk.org.uk

Drugs information for parents and carers

parentdrug.info – website created by the London Drug and Alcohol and Policy Forum at the City of London together with support from Adfam and Daniel Spargo-Mabbs –  parentsdrug.info/

Do your children know more about Drugs than you? – parentsdrug.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Familylflt-2020-ep.pdf

Other drugs
11-13 year olds
14-16 year olds
Young Children
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