Advice on what to do in an emergency
If it all goes wrong
Talk to your child about how to react if someone they are with loses consciousness after drinking. Teenagers and inexperienced drinkers are particularly vulnerable from alcohol poisoning.
If it all goes wrong, it’s essential to get help:
- Get an ambulance but don’t leave them… ask someone reliable to call the ambulance.
- Keep them on their side with their head turned to the side (the recovery position).
- Make sure they’re breathing and their mouth and airways are clear.
- If they stop breathing, start mouth to mouth resuscitation.
- Loosen any tight clothing that might restrict their breathing.
- Keep them warm (but not too hot) – with blankets or a coat.
If someone vomits they should:
- Try to keep them sitting up or, if they must lie down, make sure they’re in the recovery position and that their mouth and airway are clear.
- If they begin to choke, get help immediately.
- Stay with them even if they can’t bear the sight or smell of someone vomiting. Alcohol poisoning is extremely dangerous. It can lead to a coma and in extreme cases, death.

14-16 year olds
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