We have been amazed at how wonderfully quickly schools and organisations have adapted to providing virtual lessons and engaging activities and resources on line for children while they are at home in addition to supporting key worker and vulnerable children in school settings, into the holidays as well as during the term. Certainly our weekly clap includes teachers and teaching assistants and those supporting our young people in other settings such as children’s homes and pupils referral units during these deeply worrying times, as well as for our fantastic NHS, care and social workers thank you!
The AET is very much open to support you with either online free resources, by age group, ability and by topic via: www.alcoholeducationtrust.org with great quizzes and virtual games for young people by topic via www.talkaboutalcohol.com . Karen is available to tutor you via skype or zoom if you need any activities or downloads explaining and you can email her via: karen@alcoholeducationtrust.org. We have also mapped each of our activities to the new RSHE curriculum and so can help you with your planning for the new academic year too.
To help ensure our survival long term and to ensure we spend grant money appropriately, we have sadly had to furlough Kate, Kathryn and Brian for eight weeks as we are unable to carry out our normal visits to schools and other settings across the country. We are very keen to begin training and our day to day support as soon as lockdown restrictions ease, so please do get in touch to make future bookings. All areas of England and Scotland continue to be supported virtually and with resources during this time, so please do get in touch with Karen via: karen@alcoholeducationtrust.org if we can help with advice and helena@alcoholeducationtrust.org for resource orders.
Hard copies continue to be available of our activity box for children with additional learning needs and for young people with higher vulnerability to alcohol related harms. With discussion cards, facts and where to go for support as well as short films. This is a must for anyone concerned about the alcohol consumption of a young person during these stressful times when problematic drinking may increase due to anxiety, social isolation or stress. Please email helena@alcloholeducationtrust.org if you work with vulnerable young people or with those with additional learning needs - these resources and indeed all our resources and training are free of charge for schools, children’s homes, PRU’s , for social workers, school nurses, sports and youth clubs. Due to high current demand, we may have to add you to a waiting list while the packs are re printed, please bear with us.
We also have a brand new edition of Alcohol and You available to download via https://alcoholeducationtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/alcohol_and_you.pdf. This guide for older teenagers is packed with practical advice on how to keep themselves and their friends safe around alcohol. The guide now includes advice on festivals, travelling abroad and spotting the signs of dependent drinking. Printed copies will be available by mid-May, so please email if you would like to join our wait list.
Read further news here