Publication of RSHE Implementation Guidance from the DfE

30th September 2020

New guidance has been released by The DfE for Relationship, Sex and Health Education and can be read here:

The guidance mirrors the Alcohol Education Trust Charity ethos, whereby, DfE states that “High quality, evidence-based and age-appropriate teaching…can help prepare pupils…”. The Alcohol Education Trust Talk About Alcohol programme is unique in that it offers resources that are independently evidenced by The National Foundation for Education Research (NFER) to improve young people’s knowledge and significantly raise the age that young people choose to drink. All AET resources are made available by suitability for age group and by ability, with extra resources for children with additional learning needs. Email to find out what free training and resources will suit your school.

Our programme is used and trusted by over 1,500 schools and you can read testimonials here:

The D of E guidance outlines good practice approaches including:

  • Knowledge rich lessons
  • At the right time
  • How an individual’s personal experience and context could influence them to use substances
  • Medically/ scientifically correct language
  • Teacher led discussions

Our Teacher Workbook, Activity Box and 6 lessons meet all the Department of Education's recommendations in terms of what pupils should know in a fun, but engaging way complete with a pupil facing website to bring the topics covered on to life.

  • The facts about legal and illegal drugs and their associated risks, including the link between drug use, and the associated risks, including the link to serious mental health conditions.
  • The law relating to the supply and possession of illegal substances.
  • The physical and psychological risks associated with alcohol consumption and what constitutes low risk alcohol consumption in adulthood.
  • The physical and psychological consequences of addiction, including alcohol dependency.

We are able to offer teaching staff a funded virtual training session around our new ready to deliver 6 lessons as well as well our other resources. This could be delivered via Microsoft Teams, Zoom or the platform your school uses. In addition to this you will receive a copy of our Teacher Workbook prior to the event. You may also be eligible to receive a fully funded Activity Box if you work with vulnerable young people.

For further information please contact: for any schools or youth organisations in the North of England.

Or for schools or youth organisations in the South West and Midlands area.