2019 is the AET’s 10th anniversary year and the final celebration took place on the 7th November at the House of Lords. We had a very hurried change of venue due to the dissolution of parliament and we are so grateful to The Lord Speaker, Baroness Stedman –Scott and The Baroness Rock for providing us with the most wonderful alternative venue of The River Room.
Students from the Atlantic Academy came all the way up from Portland in Dorset to speak about why alcohol education is important to them and students from the Greycoat Hospital School performed a brilliant short drama called ‘We drink because…' Both brought the important issues around alcohol to life and were fantastic!
It was the first time our Trustees and staff had all come together and CEO Helena Conibear made it clear that the success of our work is only due to the dedication and hard work of staff, trustees, volunteers and friends. The AET's achievements would also not be possible without our wonderful patrons, funders and supporters. A huge thank you to all who helped organise this memorable occasion and all who attended!
You can read Helena's speech via
and watch the drama performances via https://youtu.be/X08_QohdA3s and https://youtu.be/kNMP6Mx-uzo