Talk About Trust Conference - 18th June 2025 - Book your tickets now!
We are delighted to say that we will be holding a Talk About Trust conference on 18th June 2025. The conference will be held at Bournemouth University and will cover a wide range of topics with some great speakers.
The fifth Adolescent Alcohol, Drugs Education and Addictions Conference aims is to ensure that all professionals working with young people are equipped with the most recent facts and figures, an understanding of best practice and the evidence base, and resources to enable the delivery of age and ability appropriate drug and alcohol education.
A range of expert speakers, including Dr David Regis from the School Health Education Unit, Professor McAlaney from Bournemouth University, Escape Line, Face2Face and David Sidwick, Joint National Lead for drugs and alcohol at the APPC, will provide valuable insights into the current issues, developments and programmes in the field.
The day will equip delegates with the confidence, knowledge and resources to teach evidenced drug and alcohol education and provide an understanding of the context and scale of the ever-changing issues facing young people.
The hands-on CPD training workshops will demonstrate how best to support young people in building their knowledge, resilience and life skills that will help them to make safer choices.
Delegates will walk away with resources which will enable them to plan, deliver and evaluate their PSHE scheme of work on drugs, alcohol and nicotine education. Equally relevant for professionals working with young people in non-school settings and although the focus is on alcohol, nicotine and drugs, the interactive workshops will showcase skills, games and activities that are applicable to all PSHE and health education.
Book your tickets now, via